Yeah, that was weird. Just kinda moved to Italy for 3 months.
Guess we'll see how this turns out later. Cuz I don't have money anymore. I bought some plane tickets to go to Paris over fall break. And yeah. That's happening. And now all I'm thinking about is Paris. My mom's so jealous of me. She's wanted to go to Paris for forever. And she's only been to Canada. I'm making my way across Europe. Kinda. I'm only going to France. And I live in Italy. Maybe I'll go to Spain, but like, I don't really have money, so yeah. That's fun. :):):)
I'm gonna be so screwed when I get back cuz I will literally have no money and have to go back to living in my parent's basement. :):):) At least I still have a job. That's a start.
But Tuscan sunsets are really pretty so I'll post some pics.
There you go. Have a great life. Don't die without me. Cuz that would be sad. Love you all. Byeeeeeeee! ;)